Monday, October 28, 2013

The Healing Power of Lactobacillus Plantarum - A Probiotic

Health mishaps & how we understand its causes

Inside our intestines are millions of microorganisms that stabilizes the proper functions and nourishment of our digestive system. It is called gastrointestinal tract, where an ecosystem of beneficial bacteria is residing. Other times this ecosystem is disrupted by non-beneficial bacteria (bad bacteria) that invades its environment. Medical experts on alternative medicine believes that this disruption in the gastrointestinal tract is the valid causes of almost all diseases and illness.
At the point where an imbalance of good microorganisms takes place, bodily ailments starts to happen. Our daily lifestyle contributes mainly with this mishaps. When we take drugs especially antibiotics the bacteria in our colon is affected. Excessive sugar intake, physical and mental stresses, and drinking unsafe water with high chlorine level all contributes to the proper functioning of the digestive tract.

Poor health practices that leads to diseases could easily be solved with the supplementation of adequate quantities of beneficial microorganisms such as Lactobacillus. Through inclusion in our diet the food products that contain beneficial bacteria this problems could be prevented. Food like cultured yogurt, whey, cheese, buttermilk and other soured milk products may of big important sources of good microorganisms.

Lactobacillus Plantarum & its health benefits

Lactobacillus Plantarum is a genus of a good bacteria belonging to the group Lactobacilli which are commonly found in fermented food products. This bacteria will produce antimicrobial properties that helps them survive in the gastrointestinal tract in our body. Thereby serves as a delivery mechanism for therapeutic compounds and proteins to be benefited by our body.
For more than five years, this type of probiotic agent is my companion in getting rid of daily health discomforts. My chronic bronchial asthma is being relieved by maintaining exact dosage of a product that contain this bacteria. I have maintained year round of good health without headache, fatigue, pains and other common health nuisance.

Clinical results from various experimental studies conducted several decades ago starting from the works of Dr. Elias Metchnikoff, a russian scientist, shows the validity of positive health benefits of probiotics in our body. His book "Prolongation of Life" is one of the frontiers of this field of study.
Almost 90% of all health maladies are being curable with lactobacillus plantarum. Other genus other than plantarum is also beneficial to human body. From simple headaches, toothaches and skin problems; to kidney disorders, cancers, cysts, hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver; and many other ailments brought about by poor health habits especially imbalance diet.

Monday, July 22, 2013

The Essence of Drinking Natural Water

This blog is all about doing practical living with the natural ways. This entails the proper way of living in line with  nature's gift of using its lavish abundance to be used by all of us freely without the effects of harming our bodily processes which will led to perfect health.

Let me start by sharing what I have learnt years ago about water. Our body is composed of 80 percent water. Its normal that we should take several glasses of fresh drinking water daily. I remembered in my teenage years when my father advised the family members to drink
plenty glasses of water upon waking up in the morning. This is what he had known also from his Chinese boss.

Presently, water is now considered a multi-billion industry comparable to crude oil. Water containers & mineral water processing equipment industries were also booming with the current fad of drinking clean water. The availability of bottled mineral water in the market keeps everyone from using unsafe water. Did you know that today you could still drink fresh water not from the bottled one? Yes, many people living in rural areas still could get supply of fresh water from varied sources. Water from faucet is still safe for drinking in areas with no industrial factories and populous places with huge drainage system. City life is more prone to acquiring unsafe water where sources are not being verified to be safe unless sourced from the local water system.

Well, the essence of using natural water is a great benefit that will improve our health. It is recommended that we should take two liters daily. For the first time if you are not drinking water at all, it is recommended that you will take it in small amounts daily and increasing it as time goes by until your body will normalize to accept large quantities of water.Clean water with minimal sodium is vital to our health. It detoxifies our body. When our body is in a state of detoxification, there are reactions that is uncomfortable to our normal health. As this toxins will be lessened through our daily water intake the bodily functions will return to normal. If you instantly drink two liters daily, you will suffer lots of body reactions as great amount of toxins will be cleansed by such amount of water. You will fell sick and unwell.

Drinking more water daily will aid in painful menstrual problems, headache, insomnia, skin spots, acne and dry itchy skin. Water is better alternative to natural weight loss, a natural detoxifier and helps in having a glowing and clearer skin. Better concentration, good regular bowel movements will be benefited from drinking lots of water.

How'd you think. Most of our illnesses will easily be cured from making water as a natural remedy. Most of the time this is available for free. Avoid overly processed water as this has lesser healing properties.